
HubSpot Sales Hub Starter vs Professional

What is a Sales Hub and its tools? How to choose the right version of HubSpot Sales Hub? And why should you go for the Professional version?

Are you considering purchasing one of the best sales softwares on the market? If so, this article is especially for you. Today we will present to you the Sales Hub from HubSpot, sales software that has all you need to grow your business. 

If you know that you want the Sales Hub, you also need to choose which one. And that's exactly why we will present to you two options - Sales Hub Starter and Sales Hub Professional, to help you choose the right one. 

Also, if you are currently using the Sales Hub Starter and you´re thinking about upgrading to the Sales Hub Professional, keep reading, we will help you to make the right decision.

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📣Main points: Which HubSpot Sales Hub version is good for you? 

What is a Sales Hub?

Sales Hub is a Sales software that includes everything you need for sales productivity and optimization on a single platform. Sales Hub includes a fully featured sales CRM, sales engagement tools, quote and CPQ functionality, reporting and analytics, and more — plus the ability to seamlessly integrate with more than 875 tools in HubSpot’s App Marketplace.

📝What is CPQ functionality? Configure, Price, Quote software enables sales teams to generate price quotes for orders quickly and accurately


Why should I choose Sales Hub? How is it different from other Sales softwares?

Sales Hub was built from the ground up as part of HubSpot's platform, unlike a lot of software that’s been built by acquisition. It’s both deeply powerful and uniquely easy to use. 


What are popular sales software assets?

  • Email Templates (Email Templates saves your time -  you can just personalize them with data from your CRM, and hit send.)

  • Email Tracking (With email tracking you know exactly the second a lead opens an email so you can follow up at exactly the right time and close deals faster.)

  • Document Management & Tracking (Build a library of helpful sales content for your entire team, share documents right from your Gmail or Outlook inbox, and see which content closes deals.)

  • Conversation Intelligence (This feature automatically captures details from every call so you can uncover the “why” behind team performance.)

  • Call Tracking (Call tracking is a sales automation function that tracks incoming or outgoing calls that your sales team makes with prospects. Modern call tracking also uses artificial intelligence to make intelligent recordings of sales calls and propose critical points of the conversation for review later on.)

  • Contact Management & Customer Profile (This feature enables you to have powerful context about the people and companies you’re emailing.)



Sales Hub Starter 

The pricing depends on whether you decide to pay monthly or upfront. If you choose to pay monthly, the pricing starts at 46€/month. If you choose to pay upfront, it costs 41€/month and 497€/year.

It includes 2 paid users (if you don't know what the difference is, click here). If you would like to purchase additional user, it costs 21€/month.


Sales Hub Professional 

The pricing depends on whether you decide to pay monthly or upfront. If you choose to pay monthly, the pricing starts at 460€/month. If you choose to pay upfront, it costs 414€/month and 4,968€/year.

It includes 5 paid users. If you would like to purchase additional user, it costs 81€/month.


What is the difference between a free and a paid user?

Free users can access your database, view reports, set up tools, and carry out other administrative tasks, but they do not have access to some tools.
Paid users have access to productivity tools like meetings, sequences, quotes, calling, and other functionality that enables their day-to-day work.


What is the difference between Starter and Professional?

Sales Hub Starter is great if you are starting a company and you just don't want to jump right into the Professional version. The thing is, that after some time you may feel like you want to upgrade, because Sales Hub Starter doesn’t offer some features, which also shows its lower price. So the Starter version can be also seen as a transitional solution, that will teach you the basics you need. But after some time, of natural growing process, you may feel you need more automated things that will help your business grow even more and faster.

If you are bigger company, coming from another CRM (e.g. Salesforce), you are likely to jump right into the Professional version. The price for Professional is much higher, but you are paying for really powerful features that the Starter version basically doesn't offer. So now let's look at them.

Below you can compare features of the Sales Hub Starter and Professional.




Reporting dashboard

10 dashboards, 10 reports per dashboard

25 dashboards, 20 reports per dashboard

ABM tools and automation

Not included


Deal stage, task, and lead rotation automation

Trigger tasks and email notifications based on deal stage only

Up to 300 workflows

Workflow extensions

Not included



Not included

5,000 sequences, 500 email sends/user/day

Deal pipeline

2 deal pipelines per account

Up to 15 deal pipelines per account

Custom reporting

Not included

Up to 100 custom reports


Not included



Not included

10 signatures per user per month

Deal and company scoring

Not included

5 total deal and company scoring properties (shared across deals and companies), not additive across objects or hubs

Sales analytics

Not included


Email tracking & notifications

Unlimited email open and click notifications

Unlimited email open and click notifications

Email scheduling



Email templates

5,000 templates

5,000 templates

Email health reporting

Limited features - does not include data-based recommendations.

Additional features -  includes data-based recommendations.

Meeting scheduling

1,000 personal & team meetings links

1,000 personal & team meetings links


Up to 5,000 documents per account

Up to 5,000 documents per account


Up to 8 hours of calling per user per month. Not supported in all countries.

Up to 16 hours of calling per user per month. Not supported in all countries.

Shared inbox

Limited to 1 inbox

Up to 100 inboxes

Team email



Live Chat



1:1 technical support

Email and in-app chat support

Email, in-app chat, and phone support


Key features, that will make you go for the Professional

  • Automation

If you want to use automation fully, you will need the Professional Hub. Automation is the key - it just makes everything smoother. Make the most out of your automation with ABM tools such as company scoring, properties, templates, and out-of-the-box reports.

  • Custom reporting and sales analytics

With a custom reporting feature you can build custom reports that leverage contact, company, and deal data from your contacts database alongside sales activity data, so you can answer key business questions in one place. For example you can see who has the most deals and how close they are to closing, you can also see conversion rates and identify stages where the deals are stuck. 

Sales analytics is a collection of fully customizable, out-of-the-box reports that you can edit and save to your dashboards. Sales analytics reports give you insight into the overall health of your sales pipeline so you can coach your team and improve outcomes over time.


  • Workflow extensions and sequences

Workflow extensions trigger actions and pass data to other tools you use, or to your own custom outside applications. 

Sequences automate outreach, follow-up, and time-consuming tasks. With them you can create flows of timed personalized emails, remind yourself of important follow-up tasks, send InMail and connection requests on LinkedIn, and more. Bulk enroll multiple contacts at a time.


  • Deal pipeline

Deal pipelines help visualize your sales process to predict revenue and identify selling roadblocks. With the Sales Starter Hub you only have 2 deal pipelines per account, unlike the Professional Hub where you have 15 deal pipelines per account.


  • Product

Using this feature you can create a product library of everything that you sell. Afterwards you can associate those products with individual deals. This feature helps you to stay organized, build more deals, track what exactly you are selling and it also enables you to create useful reports.

Main points

  • Sales Hub is both deeply powerful and uniquely easy to use
  • The price depends on which version (starter, professional, enterprise) and tools you choose.
  • Sales Hub Starter is for you if:
    • if you are a start-up or a medium sized company and you just don't want to jump right into the Professional version
    • you want to start using HubSpot Sales hub but you want your team to get to know the whole platform first and afterward switch to the Professional version
    • you want to have all your data and powerful tools in one platform
  • Sales Hub Professional is for you if:
    • you want more powerful tools (automation, custom reporting and sales analytics, workflow extensions and sequences, product...)
    • if you are a medium-sized enterprise or a big company, and you are not satisfied with your current platform/CRM
    • if you are a medium-sized enterprise or a big company, that wants to streamline their processes
    • you want to have all your data and powerful tools in one platform

Hopefully we helped with choosing the right version for you. But if you have any other questions, do not hesitate and contact us.


Also, do not forget to follow us on our social media 🙂.

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