
Ask 3 questions before purchasing extra Sales seats for HubSpot ⭐

How to know if it is the right time for purchasing extra Sales seat for your team? Ask those 3 questions and make the right choice.

3 reasons to purchase extra Sales Seats for your HubSpot

Sales pipeline is full of leads and your company is growing. Hiring new salespersons and adding them to the HubSpot is your weekly task. And then you run out of Sales seats that you can assign to the users. What to do now? Let’s check how to decide whether it’s the right time to purchase extra Sales seats or rather keep some user profiles limited to free features only.

HubSpot Sales Hub

Sales Hub is a single Sales platform that includes everything you need for sales productivity and optimization. Sales Hub includes a fully-featured sales CRM, sales engagement tools, quote, and CPQ functionality, reporting, analytics, and more — plus the ability to seamlessly integrate with more than 875 tools in HubSpot’s App Marketplace.

💡 What is CPQ functionality? Configure, Price, Quote software enables sales teams to generate price quotes for orders quickly and accurately.

HubSpot Sales seat

With every Sales Hub subscription, there is a limited number of Sales seats that you can assign to your team. Each time you give access to a user, you are one seat shorter. Users without assigned seat won’t have access to paid features that comes with your Sales Hub subscription. So, if anyone in your team needs access to paid features, he must be assigned with a Sales seat. 

💡Your Sales Hub has an unlimited number of free users. When you purchase HubSpot, you are given a number of paid users, based on the version of Sales Hub you have (Starter, Professional, Enterprise). If you want extra paid users, you can purchase how many you want, but it will increase the cost each month.

Therefore, if you have a Sales seat available, you can assign it to one of your team members without thinking. However, when you have run out of your available Sales seats, you can add another one by purchasing an additional Sales seat.

3 questions to answer before purchasing a HubSpot Sales seat 

The number of available Users (or Sales Seats) is based on the type of your Sales Hub plan (Starter, Professional, Enterprise). You can add and purchase additional Sales seats whenever you decide to go for it. How do you know who on your team needs a Sales seat?

  • The short answer is that anyone who is directly involved in the sales process should have a Sales seat. Figure out who in your company is responsible for sales stuff - attracting new customers, closing deals, managing leads, etc. Those people should definitely have a sales seat.
  • The second thing you can think about is the size of your company. If you are a start-up, smaller or middle-sized company you probably won't need that many sales seats. If you are a larger company, you will probably have to purchase more sales seats, since more people are involved in the sales process.
  • Last but not least, you should think about finances. Sales seats do not come for free, so if you don’t want to waste your money, the best way to find out if that person needs a Sales seat is by looking at the paid versus free features. Based on the type of your Sales Hub plan (Starter, Professional, Enterprise) some features are available to everyone on your team and other features are accessible only to people who have a Sales seat. By checking paid versus free features of your Sales Hub, you can easily figure out who needs what tools and features.


paid user - hubspot

Source: HubSpot

How do I add or assign seats in HubSpot Sales Hub

Add a new Sales Hub user to your account

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Users & Teams.
  • In the upper right, click Create user.
  • In the right panel, enter the email address of your new user and click Next.
  • To assign one of your Sales Hub (Starter, Professional, or Enterprise) seats:
    • Click the Sales tab.
    • Click to toggle the Sales Access switch on, then click to toggle the Sales Starter, Professional, or Enterprise Switch on. If you've already assigned all of the Sales Hub seats you've purchased, you will need to pay for an additional seat right after you set up the rest of the new user's permissions.


sales - hubspot

Source: HubSpot

Assign Sales Hub seats to your team members

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Users & Teams.
  • In the upper right, click Manage paid users.
  • In the bottom right corner, view your number of assigned seats out of available seats. To assign a seat to a user, select the checkbox next to the user and click Save.

paid user

Source: HubSpot


In a nutshell

There are a few things to consider when purchasing or assigning Sales seats to team members. Firstly, you should know exactly who and how is involved in the sales process. Secondly, you can take into consideration the size of your company - if you are a larger company, you will probably have a lot of sales people, but if you are a start-up or smaller company, your sales team will definitely be smaller. Lastly, take into consideration also your budget - Sales seats do not come for free. By looking at paid versus free features of your Sales Hub, you can easily figure out who needs what tools and features.

Schedule a meeting with us

Hopefully, our article helped you to understand HubSpot Sales seats better. But if you have any other questions, do not hesitate and contact us. Also, don't forget to follow us on our social media.


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Sources: HubSpot, HubSpot

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