Artificial intelligence has been the number one topic in recent months, and the power of ChatGPT has shocked not only marketers and salespeople. Being one of the most successful CRM systems, HubSpot immediately reacted to the situation and launched the ChatSpot feature to the world. How is HubSpot handling AI, and what can we expect in the future?
At the end of February, the first HubSpot Meetup took place in Prague, where we addressed topics related not only to CRMs. We also talked about Artificial Intelligence, which has been experiencing a boom in the last few months.
Autoarti founder Vojta Foukal showed HubSpot Meetup participants how HubSpot uses AI now and what its users can expect in the future. If you, too, are wondering how AI-friendly HubSpot is, read on! 😊

Autoarti team at the first HubSpot Meetup
Is ChatGPT the only trailblazer in AI?
Not just marketers have fallen under ChatGPT's spell in recent months. HubSpot has quickly embraced the boom around this tool, unveiling a new feature two months ago. ChatSpot can research information about potential clients, draft emails based on previous communications, or generate images.
ChatGPT isn't the only AI tool that has gained popularity with the general public. As Vojta mentioned during his presentation: "Many people don't even realize that the tools they work with are actually AI." These tools include the marketers' favorite Canva, the copywriting tool Jasper, and the project platform GitHub.
Vojta says ChatGPT has triggered the real "big AI bang." But the truth is, even if some of us don't realize it, AI has been with us for a while.

Vojta Foukal, founder of Autoarti, during his presentation on AI and HubSpot
Top 5 AI features in HubSpot
HubSpot is actively investing in AI, and AI tools can be found in its Hubs. When using HubSpot regularly, users often don't even realize that a significant portion of its features are AI-based.
Let's take a look at a selection of the best ones:
1. Predictive Lead Scoring
Predictive lead scoring is every marketer's dream. Using machine learning algorithms, the system can predict which leads are most likely to become regular customers. This way, marketers know which leads to focus on and give them their full attention.
2. Smart Content
Smart Content, or dynamic content, uses machine learning algorithms to personalize content based on a user's previous behavior, interests, and other available information. It allows you to offer users relevant, engaging content that captures their attention.
3. Chatbots
A chatbot will improve your customer communication and help you increase conversions. Chatbots use NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology to understand individual questions and provide relevant answers. With the Chatbot builder, you can create your own chatbot with the snap of your fingers.
4. Automated email campaigns
HubSpot uses AI to optimize email marketing. It refines the content and the subject line and chooses the ideal time to send it. Another great feature is the auto-population of contact details from your inbox. HubSpot will check to see if you have filled out or updated the information provided in the email and automatically add it.
5. Sales forecasting
The sales forecasting feature uses data from previous sales to predict future sales. Using machine learning algorithms, it creates the most accurate predictions so salespeople can prepare for the future and plan sales activities effectively.
AI integrations in HubSpot App Marketplace
If there's anything to be improved, it’s the range of integrations offered in the HubSpot App Marketplace. The popular choices in content creation, for the most part, aren't available here, and while we do find some AI-powered tools here, many of them make minimal or weak use of AI.

Example of HubSpot App Marketplace integrations that work with AI
In a nutshell
A lot of AI features have been in HubSpot for a long time. HubSpot is constantly trying to improve its platform and adapt to current demand. He reacted very quickly to the boom around ChatGPT and unveiled a new feature – in early March.
We see room for improvement, especially in the integrations offered on the HubSpot App Marketplace. We've been in close contact with HubSpot, and if there's an integration working with AI that you shouldn't miss, we'll let you know about it!
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